Effective online marketing on Vashon is tough. Anyone can put your name or company on a website and call it “marketing”. But, ask any small business owner having a website means NOTHING if there are no eyeballs looking at it.
98070 Media knows how to get eyeballs.
Here on Vashon we have two distinct groups. You have locals and non-locals. Sure, we have folks that come over for the summer, but we consider those folks locals. Marketing to the different groups requires a different set of strategies.
Once you know your potential customers, now we can focus on HOW those customers are searching for goods and services. For instance, when off islanders come to Vashon, some will do research on what to do on Vashon. How will they be doing that? Well, if they are at home, they will be most likely looking for information on Vashon Island via a PC or tablet. If they are in route to Vashon for the day, or weekend, they might be researching on the way. Thus, most likely using mobile phone.
SO, now a will be coming onto the island and will most likely be
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