Have a business in Bothell? We would love to work with you.
Bothell is made up of a bunch of different areas.
- Canyon Park
- Downtown Bothell
- Main Street
- Thrashers Corner
- North Bothell
Each of these areas have different patterns of consumerism. Main Street Bothell is much different then Canyon Park. Thrashers Corner is much different then downtown Bothell. If you have a business in Bothell. Also, I feel the demographic of these areas are different as well.
So how do you get your product and/or service in front of local Bothellites?
This is where 425 Media shines. When you become a client of ours, the first thing we will always ask you is the following:
“Who is your ideal customer?”
Hopefully, one of the traits of your idea customer would be they live in Bothell, or at the very least they live in the Northshore area. Small business marketing starts close to home. Close to Bothell.
Instead of just focusing on social media, we tell our clients to focus on the only two things:
- Your company website
- Your email list
Why is that you wonder? Here is the reason: “Your website and email list are the only things you truly own online.”
Do not be fooled. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterst, Twitter and all the other social networking platforms own ALL the content you add to them. Another great slogan is “If you did not pay for the product, you ARE the product.” It’s true.
So, even though we will spend time making sure your social media game is strong, we will ensure to keep traffic coming back to your website and email lists. THIS is where the power of digital marketing explodes.